Project Overview

Brookfield White Pine Hydro, LLC, a Brookfield Renewable company, owns and operates the Bar Mills Project, a run-of-river dam located on the Saco River in Hollis, Maine. On November 30, 2020, BWPH notified the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) of its intention to surrender the license (FERC No. 2194). In balancing operational, environmental, and future engineering concerns, Brookfield White Pine Hydro determined this approach as the most viable solution. Notifying FERC of the intent to surrender the license is the first step in the decommissioning process that includes agency and stakeholder consultation and environmental and public safety analysis.

What's new

Brookfield White Pine Hydro will be conducting a 5-foot drawdown at the Bar Mills Project to support ongoing decommissioning studies. The drawdown is tentatively planned to begin on Monday, July 8, 2024. We expect that it will take approximately one week to reach an impoundment water level elevation of approximately 141.75 feet msl, the concrete spillway crest at the dam, pending inflow outside of our control. Sediment sampling, invasives, botanical and wetland surveys as well as an evaluation of the existing fire hydrants will commence the week of July 15, with an approximate duration of five days. Refill will promptly follow the completion of the field study efforts, but please keep in mind it could take up to a week to fully refill the headpond, pending inflow.

About Bar Mills Project

Public Safety

During Construction

Please respect all fencing, signage and safety indications;

they are in place to ensure your safety and that of employees

and consultants working on the project.